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June 24, 2019 9 Comments
[⭐️復活節 Easter Special ⭐️]
🎉🎉Today is Easter. On 🌙Moon-Island, a friend named Feng, who comes from the East, does not know much about Easter. But he insists that Easter is to celebrate the birth of chicken 🐣and rabbit.
Feng says, "It must be! Decorations of them are everywhere."
One of the most knowledgeable big brothers on the island, Clocky, explains, "No. 🌈It is to commemorate of the Son of God, Jesus being nailed on the Cross, to help cleaning up our sins with His blood. He resurrected three days later. The chicken and rabbit are evolved strangely later. It has nothing to do with Easter at all."
Then he told us to gather together and arrange all the street lights on the 🌙island to form a big cross to commemorate Easter. 💒We sang hymns and listened to more stories about Jesus under the Cross; having an inexplicable touch on our hearts.
#真正的大愛 #RealLove
#釘十架超級痛 #CrucifixionOfJesus
#仲要為別人被釘邊個做得到 #WhoCanDoThisForOthers
#耶穌復活你我得救 #ResurrectionOfJesusToSaveTheWorld
#得救唔止嗰幾日假 #EasterIsNotOnlyAboutHolidays
#得救的是你條命仔 #WeAreSaved
#happyeaster #復活節快樂
#耶穌愛你 #JesusLoveYou
[🎄🎄Moontasy 聖誕特備話劇 Christmas Drama]
我發現月亮島上有些居民,竟然誤以為"聖誕節"是慶祝聖誕老人派禮物的節日🎁😂,那麼我就與夢奇和Pan Pan 一起扮演耶穌降生的故事,打算在聖誕舞會上演出,讓大家明白聖誕節的真正意義。有三位東方博士從天上一顆星🌟得知將有個真正的王會降臨人間,那顆星🌟一直帶領着他們到伯利恆的一個馬槽,他們發現有個小孩"耶穌"降世人間,他們就獻上手上的禮物給祂,並俯伏敬拜那小孩。因為這小孩的出世是為了獻上自己生命去救贖人們,讓人明白真正的平安喜樂,世上最大的愛莫過於此,耶穌為世人捨身,所以聖誕節才這麼值得普世歡騰,慶祝我們得到這種無條件的愛💋。
I found that some residents on Moon-Island mistakenly thought that "Christmas" is a festival to celebrate the gifting by Santa Claus🎁😂. Then I played the story of Jesus' birth with Moonkii and Pan Pan, and I planned to perform this drama at the Christmas Ball to let them understand the true meaning of Christmas: Three doctors from the East deduced from a star🌟 in the sky that there will be a real king coming to the world. The star🌟 has been leading them to a manger in Bethlehem. They found a child "Jesus" born to the world. They offered gifts to Him and bowed down to worship. This child was born to sacrifice his life to save people, to let people understand the true peace and joy. That is the greatest love in the world. Jesus sacrifice himself for the people. That is why Christmas is so worthy of celebration as we have received this unconditional love💋.
🎄在此祝大家 #聖誕 快樂 ! Wish you all Merry #Christmas !
#threekings #Jesus
[🎄莎樂日記之聖誕禮物源起 Diary of Charlotte – The Origin of Christmas Gift]
Everyone had a great Christmas party at the Moon-Island last night! We gathered all the old street lights on the island, piled up into a bright and colorful Christmas tree, and then we had our happy party under it. We together made a lot of food🍗🍕🍤, performed Christmas drama under the tree and exchange gifts. But the most memorable is the intelligent Clocky and Aldo telling the meaning of the Christmas gift…..
The reason people give gifts🎁 to others during 🎄Christmas: God had offered the world with the most precious gift - His only Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, people were cheering and commemorating God's love and, began to give gifts to each other to express love. It slowly evolved into a tradition of exchanging gifts🎁 today.
The most important point is love, but I just liked the atmosphere of Christmas. I only cared about how many gifts I received each year and whether the gifts🎁 were things that I liked. Or I put in efforts on thinking what to wear👗 for parties. I had never seriously thought about the meaning of Christmas. I only cared about my feelings. I was skin deep. This time, it gave the opportunity on deep thought.
Although I moved to 🌝Moon-Island for just short time, I like it more and more each day. People here led me on deep thought and pursue for the truth. This is something I had never encountered before.
#boxingday #莎樂日記 #gift #禮物
June 24, 2019
[Charlotte 莎樂👗襯衣札記2- 復活節]
明天就是復活節🐣,準備好一套衣服去參加復活節活動,我買了個美美的長吊垂式十字架耳環,衣櫃裏有件只穿過一次的白襯衫,掉了很浪費,我買了個好別致的"Bless You"小繍章回來,自己親自用熨斗燙上去。配襯我喜歡的紫色裙和長靴👢,簡單的衣服配襯頂大帽子。🤗感覺很不錯吧?
<Fashion tipsssss襯衣小貼士>
⭐️個子不高的🧒🏼短髮女生,若要戴長形耳環,一隻就夠了,不然就由有型變成老土了(當然衣服也要配襯得cool, 文青系就切忌來這套)
⭐️對付舊恤衫,可以買些別致的小繍章回來,用熨斗燙上去就能貼到你喜歡的位置,花點小心思改頭換面,green fashion☘️
⭐️趕着出門口時,以最簡單衣着配頂大帽子,即時cool 起來
#wiwt #ootd
[Charlotte 莎樂👗襯衣札記]
今晚我們會在🌝月亮島上,舉行一個大型的聖誕派對,所有島民都會出席。我會穿着這條最喜愛的Moontasy blue顔色裙子,是好朋友夢奇上次在巴黎考察當地遺失夢想情況時,順道買回來送給我的,喜歡極了!不過這條裙設計有點複雜,不知道怎樣配搭😆試了很多件上衣才配出右面的滿意造型,原來這個藍色跟淺金色是很相配的,然後我找了一頂舊的畫家帽動了些小加工,把一個網狀喱士縫上去,就成了今季流行的帽子了,好期待今晚的party 😍。
<Fashion tipss襯衣小貼士>
⭐️Moontasy Blue 要配上淺金色,不要選土豪金,不然清雅效果就相反了
⭐️動手做點小加工在服飾上,免卻因潮流而造成浪費。Green fashion 才是真潮流,時尚不等於要浪費!
June 24, 2019 1 Comment
[🎈Moontasy莎樂前傳1 Prequel to Charlotte's Story Part 1]
Hi 👋🏻 正式宣布這個專頁,以後會由我Charlotte 親自主理🎉🎉,我們的作者Paula會搬回到 Moontasy 以第一身分享她自己的創作感受。重新再一次介紹自己🙋♀️ 我是Charlotte ,中文名莎樂。我以前就是在這個馬戲團做表演工作,本來好享受,也做得很受歡迎的,但慢慢盲忙做到迷失了自己。後來我遇上好朋友夢奇,他帶我去到月亮島🌙居住,在那兒我嘗試找尋我遺失了的夢想🎈。之後再慢慢向大家講更多我們的故事🤗
😆😆讓我們的作者不會太失落, 大家也來👍 Like Moontasy
Hi 👋🏻 So excited to officially announce this fan page, which will be handled by me, Charlotte🎉🎉. Our author Paula will move back to Moontasy page to share her own news on design and creations. Let me introduce myself again: 🙋I am Charlotte. I used to be a performer at a circus; enjoying the job and becoming popular; but gradually I lost myself in the busy days. One day, I met Moonkii and we became good friends. Moonkii led me to Moon-Island🌙, where I was reminded of my forgotten dreams🎈. In the following days, I will tell you more about our story🤗
😆😆Don’t let our author down, please also 👍Like Moontasy
#莎樂前傅 #馬戲人生 #PrequelofCharlotte #LifeAtCircus
[🎈Moontasy莎樂前傳2 Prequel to Charlotte's Story Part 2 - 遇上夢奇 Meeting Moonkii]
他是我的好朋友Moonkii, 中文名叫夢奇。他為人很真誠又好喜歡幫助人,還有一點好特別,他沒有翅膀🧚🏻♀️,但卻懂得飛的。
🤦🏻♀️我就是在最迷失時遇上他,原來他花了很多時間,才找到我當時所處的馬戲團🎪。他向我說了一番話,令我開始反思自己,然後跟他搬到月亮島上住,嘗試找尋自己都已完全忘記的夢, 究竟他向我說了什麼?
Moonkii is my good friend; being sincere and likes to help people. With a very special talent, Moonkii can fly even without any wings 🧚🏻.
Moonkii has a very important role - the keeper of 🌜Moon-Island. Each forgotten dream will become a dream balloon🎈 and it floats to this island. It will disappear forever if not being found by its owner. Hence, Moonkii often flies around and brings the soon disappearing dream balloons back to their owners.
🤦🏻♀️I met Moonkii during the days when I was lost. It has taken Moonkii quite some time to find me at the circus🎪. From what Moonkii has said, I started to rethink about myself. I followed Moonkii to Moon-Island where I was reminded of the forgotten dreams. What did Moonkii say to me?
[🎈Moontasy 角色介紹之阿風 Introduction of Character - Feng]
👇她是來自東方的阿風(Feng), 擁有預知天氣的能力。我(莎樂charlotte)搬到🌙月亮島後,很多事情都好陌生,島主夢奇(Moonkii)又好忙,全靠她和好友witty常常幫助我,他倆就好像我的守護天使🧚🏻♀️🧚🏻♂️。特別她們能縮細自己的身體,好像一個小襟章掛在我身上,替我解決很多問題。
👇She is Feng from the East and has the ability to forecast the weather. After I (Charlotte) moved to 🌙Moon-Island, many things were unfamiliar to me. As the island keeper Moonkii was very busy, it was great that Feng and good friend Witty often helped me. They were like my guardian angels🧚🏻🧚🏻♂️. In particular, they can minimize their bodies, hooked onto me like small badges and assisted me on solving many problems.
Heard that Feng originates from a kind of headdress "phoenix crown" from the oriental opera. So, she likes to sing and has a strong sense for music. She often introduces oriental culture to other dreamers on 🌙Moon-Island. She does not need to eat anything; and 👁reading books can recharge her energy. Hence, she is knowledgeable. However, sometimes she sticks too much to the hard core of knowledge, becoming not flexible enough; need to spend extra time on explaining on some matters to her occasionally.
Moreover, there is one thing that everyone must keep in mind: strictly must not touch the small scales on her! She will get angry😤 immediately. When a piece of scale peels off from her, time will pause for a short duration but her energy will be largely consumed, and it takes a long time to recover. Only when it is for emergency, she will use this special ability.
#阿風 #feng
#睇書當飯食 #reading
#東方文化 #OrientalCulture #戲曲 #ChineseOpera #鳳冠 #headdress
#預知天氣 #WeatherForecast #時間停頓 #TimePause
#香味 #fragrance
[🎈Moontasy角色介紹-偉廸 Introduction of Character - Witty]
👇He is Witty, intelligent, originating from jellyfish, and communicates well with marine life🐙🐠🦐. The tentacles are covered with blue pearls. He is always proud of this, so he sometimes talks with a little arrogance. But, in fact he is kind, and has a little habit of using his tentacles to fiddle with his hair🤣.
On 🌙Moon-Island, he and Feng🧚🏻🧚🏻♂️ often stayed with me (Charlotte), but the two often bickered, creating much fun and laughter. Just like Feng, he does not need to eat anything. Reading can recharge his energy. He also has the ability to minimize himself and hooked onto me without being recognized.
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